Training philosophy 

At Higher Strength Evolution, we believe high-performance Strength athletes reveal one's true capabilities. With unwavering confidence and a refusal to surrender, our strength athletes strive for success by enhancing well-being and lifestyle. Through personalized programs and holistic guidance, we empower individuals to unlock their full potential, physically and mentally. Join us in embracing strength in mind, body, and spirit as we evolve together towards higher strength and personal excellence.


Justin, a dedicated athlete with a passion for fitness and martial arts, began his athletic journey at the age of 7 playing flag football and ball hockey. Transitioning to focus solely on football, he achieved success by winning the 2018 junior bantam championships. Despite facing injuries that led him to step away from the football field, Justin found renewed determination in the gym, and on the mats. Through consistent dedication over three years, he transformed from a tall, skinny, skinny fat kid into a person with an enviable physique. By mastering proper nutrition, diet, and training techniques through self-coaching, Justin emphasizes the importance of hands-on experience over theoretical knowledge. Justin has demonstrated the ability to excel as a high-performance athlete while simultaneously building muscle and achieving endurance and strength goals. His goal is to share his expertise to help others reach their full potential, instilling the belief that anything is achievable with dedication.


    Achieve your fitness goals with our personalized custom workout programs. Tailored to meet your specific needs and preferences.

  • 1:1 COACHING

    Our one-on-one coaching is personalized to amplify mental resilience and focus. Through targeted sessions, we tackle self-doubt, ignite motivation, and refine discipline to empower you on your journey towards success.


    Our custom-designed app serves as the central hub for your fitness journey. It includes instructional workout videos, tracking features for your diet and exercise, and communication tools to stay in touch with your coaches and community.


    Our personalized approach to gym mechanics ensures mastery of proper form and technique. We prioritize refining movements and optimizing your workout experience for maximum effectiveness and safety.


    Our customized meal plans are tailored to optimize your nutrition and wellness goals. We craft personalized plans that suit your dietary preferences and lifestyle, ensuring you achieve optimal health and vitality


    Our accountability system offers personalized support to help you stay on course towards your goals. With regular check-ins and tailored guidance, we ensure you maintain accountability and motivation throughout your journey.


I advocate for a comprehensive training approach that prioritizes the development of both physical and mental health. The goal is to help You achieve a balance between building muscle mass effectively and enhancing their mental well-being. The foundation of muscle growth, or hypertrophy, lies in the principle of progressive tension overload. By continually increasing our strength levels, we can progressively enhance workload volume, leading to sustainable progress. Similarly, improving mental resilience allows us to elevate training volume efficiently, promoting continual advancements. Embrace a structured workout plan that integrates proper periodization techniques and tailored exercise selection to support your enduring fitness and mental well-being.


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